Homeowner Stability Project

Homeowner Stability Project

To get help from the Homeowner Stability Project, please click here to complete our online application form. You may also call 212-382-6766 or email HSP@nycbar.org.

The City Bar Justice Center’s Homeowner Stability Project (HSP) provides legal assistance to New York City homeowners of low to moderate income threatened with the loss of their 1-4 family homes, coops and condos, including through mortgage foreclosure, payment arrears, transferring title when a family member passes, scams and other predatory practices. Our goal is to keep people in their homes whenever possible and assist in the transition to affordable housing when home retention is not the best or a viable option. We recruit and train volunteer lawyers to negotiate workout arrangements with lenders, attend settlement conferences,  correct title and deed problems, and litigate when necessary.

The Homeowner Stability Project has trained over 500 volunteer attorneys since its inception and has assisted over 2,000 homeowners in various stages of foreclosure and other potential home loss. In helping to stabilize homeownership, HSP not only provides valuable services to individual homeowners but helps sustain some of New York City’s most storied neighborhoods from the economic fallout caused by foreclosure and gentrification.

Edward Mostoller directs the Homeowner Stability Project, Simone Haines and Emily Tran are the staff attorneys, and Natalie Rutherford is the project coordinator.


When the foreclosure crisis hit NYC in 2008, the City Bar Justice Center, together with the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, rose to the challenge by forming the Lawyers’ Foreclosure Intervention Network (LFIN). With funding from IOLA, the New York State Attorney General and the Center for New York City Neighborhoods, LFIN expanded into the Homeowner Stability Project to not only address foreclosure but also other issues and trends as we encounter them. A significant new aspect of HSP is to untangle title and assist in the transfer of title following the death of a loved one  to ensure a smooth transition and stable homeownership for the next generation.

Not sure if this is the right project? Contact our free Legal Hotline at 212-626-7383.

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  • NELP Small Business Remote Legal Clinic

    A small business virtual legal clinic will be held over Zoom in partnership with the Lower Manhattan Business Solutions Center & Queens Business Solutions Center. Registration is required. Please click here if interested in participating.