Justice Center News

The Justice Center News blog features our advocacy on issues affecting low-income New Yorkers today and the latest CBJC happenings.  For press releases, click here. For publications, click here.

Training for Upcoming Temporary Protected Status Legal Clinics for West Africans Due to Ebola Outbreak

by CBJC StaffDecember 24, 2014

Due to the ebola virus outbreak in West Africa, nationals of Sierra Leone, Guinea, and Liberia who reside in the United States and meet certain criteria may now apply for Temporary Protected Status.

The registration period for TPS applications has already begun. Starting in January, the City Bar Justice Center will host several TPS application assistance clinics for West African foreign nationals. Assisting with TPS applications is a straightforward opportunity for attorneys who are looking to volunteer a few hours of their time. Attorneys interested in volunteering at our TPS clinics but unfamiliar with the TPS process can sign up for an hour-long TPS training the Justice Center will be conducting in partnership with the HIV Law Project.

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Win-Win Giving of Securities – by Tom Halter

by CBJC StaffDecember 15, 2014

As the CFO/Assistant Treasurer of the City Bar Fund, I consider giving to charity to be a vital and noble practice. Some pundits say that those who make philanthropic gifts live longer. To follow the path of charity and at the same time add years to one’s life is clearly a wonderful win-win situation, but I leave the proof to others.

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London Bridge

by CBJC StaffDecember 1, 2014

These days, it is not uncommon for attorneys to work abroad for periods of times. We are a peripatetic group. Certain ties, however, continue to bind. We maintain allegiances to particular places and causes. Perhaps you are an attorney working in the U.K. but admitted in New York and you want to make a year-end charitable gift to a U.S. legal services organization that provides legal services to the poor and underserved.

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Victory for Rent-Stabilized Debtors in New York!

by CBJC StaffNovember 25, 2014

Over the last few years, the Consumer Bankruptcy Project (CBP) of the City Bar Justice Center had to advise rent-stabilized tenants considering filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy relief in New York that there was a risk that they could lose their apartment if they filed for bankruptcy.

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“They Rallied Up the Families; We Brought the Lawyers”

by CBJC StaffNovember 18, 2014

On November 13, 2014, as part of the New York City Immigration Advocacy Initiative’s (NYCIAI) final clinic for the year, over sixty participants in the Children’s Aid Society’s programs received free immigration consultations from experienced practitioners.

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Immigration Women & Children Project in Vienna

by CBJC StaffNovember 17, 2014

Suzanne Tomatore, the project director of the City Bar Justice Center’s Immigrant Women & Children (IWC) Project, was one of only four U. S. representatives from service providers to attend the U.N. Office of Drugs and Crime (UNODC) October 22 & 23 meeting in Vienna, Austria, on the role of recruitment fees and recruitment agencies in trafficking in persons.

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