Justice Center News

The Justice Center News blog features our advocacy on issues affecting low-income New Yorkers today and the latest CBJC happenings.  For press releases, click here. For publications, click here.

Justice Center Presents First Video in Series for Veterans: Overview of the VA Health Care System

by CBJC StaffNovember 11, 2015

On this Veterans Day, the City Bar Justice Center’s Veterans Assistance Project presents the first video in an ongoing series intended to help veterans understand the benefits available to them from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.

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City Bar Justice Center Celebrates Pro Bono Volunteers at the 2015 Jeremy G. Epstein Awards

by CBJC StaffOctober 29, 2015

The Justice Center kicked off the start of National Pro Bono Week on Monday night with the seventh annual Jeremy G. Epstein Awards for Outstanding Pro Bono Service.

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The Legal Rights of Domestic Violence Victims

by CBJC StaffOctober 20, 2015

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. According to the National Network to End Domestic Violence, domestic violence is a leading cause of homelessness for women and their families.

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Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Five Reasons to Have a Mammogram

by CBJC StaffOctober 9, 2015

October is Breast Cancer Awareness month and, in an effort to encourage women to utilize this important screening tool, Judges and Lawyers Breast Cancer Alert (JALBCA) is sponsoring free mammograms in New York City.

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City Bar Justice Center Presents 2015 Jeremy G. Epstein Awards for Pro Bono Service

by CBJC StaffOctober 6, 2015

The City Bar Justice Center, the pro bono affiliate of the New York City Bar Association, has announced the winners of the seventh annual Jeremy G. Epstein Awards for Outstanding Pro Bono Service.

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“We’re Here!” – Addressing Life Planning Needs of LGBT Seniors

by CBJC StaffSeptember 16, 2015

Scenario: Judy is retired and her long-term companion Mavis has been unable to work in her later years because of a disability. They have no children and live alone in a modest co-op apartment that Mavis purchased decades earlier.

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