Justice Center News

The Justice Center News blog features our advocacy on issues affecting low-income New Yorkers today and the latest CBJC happenings.  For press releases, click here. For publications, click here.

Meet Cassandra Celestin, CBJC’s New Director of Pro Bono Initiatives

by CBJC StaffMay 21, 2021

We are thrilled to welcome Cassandra M. Celestin as the City Bar Justice Center’s new Director of Pro Bono Initiatives! As a former senior staff attorney at the Children’s Law Center in the Bronx, Cassandra brings to CBJC nearly 12 years of experience as a family law trial attorney and advocate for children. In this … Continue reading Meet Cassandra Celestin, CBJC’s New Director of Pro Bono Initiatives

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How Access to Language Services is Vital to Closing the Justice Gap

by Ramona Morel, Esq. and Alexa TovarMay 18, 2021

Navigating the civil legal process and understanding court procedures, such as filing for bankruptcy relief, can be difficult for individuals who do not have legal assistance or representation. For those who do not speak English or have limited English proficiency, accessing legal services in their native language can be even more challenging.

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Personas Mayores Tengan Cuidado: ¡estafadores del COVID-19 lo tienen en la mira!

by Vivienne Duncan, Esq. and Alexa TovarApril 30, 2021

Mientras la ciudad de Nueva York se tambaleaba por el impacto mortal de la crisis del COVID-19, los estafadores veían la crisis como otra oportunidad para dirigirse a las personas de la tercera edad, encontrando nuevas maneras – o adaptando antiguas formas – de engañarlos para quitarles su dinero o para que revelaran información personal valiosa. 

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FEMA Funeral Expense Reimbursement If You Lost a Loved One to COVID

by Sofia ColosimoApril 22, 2021

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has announced the COVID-19 Funeral Assistance Program to reimburse funeral costs to those who have lost loved ones due to COVID-19. As the country grieves the over 560,000 people who have passed since the start of the pandemic, the program aims to relieve the financial strain of funeral expenses in an already emotionally and economically challenging time.

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Lessons Learned: Our Immigrant Justice Project Reflects on Remote Legal Services Best Practices during the Pandemic

by the Immigrant Justice ProjectMarch 24, 2021

After one year into a dramatic shift towards remote work, the City Bar Justice Center’s Immigrant Justice Project (“IJP”) has embraced a remote model of legal services delivery. Initially, the shift presented many ethical and logistical considerations, including optimizing communication with clients, maintaining confidentiality, and building trust remotely. The majority of our clients are asylum … Continue reading Lessons Learned: Our Immigrant Justice Project Reflects on Remote Legal Services Best Practices during the Pandemic

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In Solidarity: 5 Things You Can Do to Counter Violence and Hate Against the Asian-American Community

by CBJC StaffMarch 23, 2021

Statement of the City Bar Justice Center Daoyou Feng, Delaina Yaun, Hyun Jung Kim, Paul Andre Michels, Soon Chung Park, Suncha Kim, Xiaojie Tan, and Yong Ae Yue. These are the names of parents, caregivers, partners, and friends whose lives were suddenly and tragically taken at last week’s Atlanta shootings. The City Bar Justice Center … Continue reading In Solidarity: 5 Things You Can Do to Counter Violence and Hate Against the Asian-American Community

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