Justice Center News

The Justice Center News blog features our advocacy on issues affecting low-income New Yorkers today and the latest CBJC happenings.  For press releases, click here. For publications, click here.

New Justice Center Project Provides Needed Resource for Low-Income Callers to Legal Hotline

by CBJC StaffApril 2, 2013

The City Bar Justice Center has established a Planning and Estates Law Project for low-income callers to its Legal Hotline, and will soon establish a regularly scheduled clinic to advise low-income people on personal planning, end of life, and estate matters.

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Human Trafficking in the U.S.: Concrete Solutions for Better Data Collection

by CBJC StaffMarch 6, 2013

Better data collection on human trafficking, particularly on labor trafficking, would help service providers allocate limited resources and help prevent trafficking in the future, according to a white paper by the Immigrant Women & Children project (IWC) of the City Bar Justice Center.

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Sandy Response Update: Contractor Issues Emerge — by Victor Tello

by CBJC StaffFebruary 6, 2013

The City Bar Justice Center legal clinic is now firmly in place at the Arverne Restoration Center in the Rockaways.

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Meeting with Sister Kaeru and the Anti-Trafficking Network

by CBJC StaffJanuary 29, 2013

In honor of Human Trafficking Awareness Month, the City Bar Justice Center’s Immigrant Women & Children Project and the New York Anti-trafficking Network hosted a breakfast today for service providers and government agencies that work on the issue of human trafficking.

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Taking Action in the Fight Against Human Trafficking

by CBJC StaffJanuary 17, 2013

In commemoration of Human Trafficking Awareness Day, the City Bar Justice Center’s Immigrant Women and Children Project, in collaboration with Pfizer Legal Alliance, hosted “Take Action: Stop Human Trafficking Now,” a panel discussion at the New York City Bar Association on January 14th.

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Victor Tello Joins Justice Center as Coordinating Attorney for Sandy Disaster Relief

by CBJC StaffJanuary 10, 2013

The City Bar Justice Center has hired Victor M. Tello as its Coordinating Attorney for Disaster Relief. Tello will centralize the Justice Center’s various activities in training and mobilizing volunteer attorneys to assist in Superstorm Sandy relief.

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